Vegan Filet Américain

Vegan Filet Américain

Filet Américain is a Belgian delicatesse prepared with raw meat. Typically spread on a piece of bread and sprinkled with capers. The idea to re-invent or veganize this dish was more a coincidence. One day I made a spread rooted in the idea to prepare red pesto. It had not become the way I imagined as the size of container of our food processor is too large for such a small amount of pine nuts. Out of despair I added some tomato purée. And wow, it was so yummy! It later became my Best Dried Tomatos and Pine Nuts Spread, now famous in our house.

On that day, my husband mentioned how much this spread reminded him of Américain Préparé or Filet Américain, something that he fancied a lot when he was still eating meat. Next time I made the spread, more consciously the same way now, he highlighted this similarity again. And that it only needed some more texture. After deciding to launch our Belgian week, the redevelopment of the spread to a nice vegan Filet Américain was one of the things on my to do list.

The texture giving component

So the basis of this Filet Américain is my Heavenly Dried Tomatoes And Pine Nuts Spread. Then we add a texture giving ingredient. We decided to create two versions featuring two different texture giving ingredients: Soy chunks or Cooked Rice (leftover). The boiled soy chunks really add a meat-like texture (for those who don’t mind that…). The second version containing a small amount of cooked rice is finer on the palate. Honestly, I could not say which one I like more. I love them both! Feel free to use what you have at hand or what you simply like most.

Now let’s get started!

Vegan Filet Américain

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Belgian
Servings 4 people


  • 1 food processor


  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 6 pieces dried tomatoes oil-packed
  • 2/3 cup tomato puree
  • 8 soy chunks or 3 tbsp cooked rice
  • pepper and salt
  • 4 tbsp capers


  • Roast the pine nuts until golden brown, shaking the pan regularly to prevent them to burn on one side while the other side stays raw. Set aside.
  • Boil the soy chunks in some water until soft (ca. 2 minutes). Drain and squeeze the rest water out keeping them in the colander of sieve and pressing with a spoon.
  • Take the dried tomatoes out of the jar and let the oil drip off completely. Cut them into small pieces. Place the dried tomatoes in the food processor.
  • Add the pine nuts and tomato purée. Blend until finely chopped and smooth.
  • Add the soy chunks one by one and blend on medium speed until smooth. Don’t blend too finely as we want a certain coarse consistency where we can still bite on little pieces.
  • Finally season with pepper and, depending on the saltiness of your tomato purée, some more salt. Serve on a piece of bread garnished with capers and (optional) pieces of tomatoes.
Keyword belgian, pine nuts, vegan

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