Our Favorite Potato Mash Leftover Dish

Our Favorite Potato Mash Leftover Dish

In our household, potato mash is a staple dish. It graces our table at least once a week. Sometimes we make more than we can eat in one sitting, ensuring we have some for the next day. Occasionally, I intentionally prepare extra so I can make our Favorite Potato Mash Leftover Dish.

This beloved dinner dish features, of course, potato mash, vegan meat sauce, sliced aubergines roasted in olive oil, and slices of fresh tomatoes. It’s a comforting and hearty meal that brings warmth to our home.

We are delighted to share this cherished family recipe with you, hoping it brings as much joy to your table as it does to ours.

potato mash leftover dish, served

Our Favorite Potato Mash Leftover Dish

We often make potato mash and we often make extra to create our Favorite Potato Mash Leftover Dish, featuring vegan meat sauce, roasted aubergines, and fresh tomatoes. Enjoy!
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine International
Servings 4 people


  • 4 portions leftover potato mash
  • 3/4 cup soy granules
  • 1 small to medium carrot
  • 3/4 cup tomato puree
  • 2 tbsp herbes de Provence
  • 2 aubergines
  • 2 ripe tomatos
  • olive oil
  • sea salt
  • 1/2 lemon (zest) optional
  • pepper optional


Soak soy granules:

  • Place the soy granules in a bowl and cover with hot water. Let soak for 10 minutes, then drain well.

Prepare the sauce:

  • Finely slice the carrots. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the drained soy granules and the sliced carrots and roast for a few minutes. Stir in the tomato puree and 1/4-1/2 cup of water. Season with salt, herbes de Provence and pepper (optional). Simmer for 10 minutes. Add the lemon zest if you’d like the sauce to be more mediterranean.
    Indra from Love Being Served is cutting carrots

Prepare the vegetables:

  • In the meantime, slice the aubergines into 0.5 cm thick pieces. Slice the fresh tomatoes. Set aside.
  • In a non-sticking pan, heat a bit of olive oil over medium heat. Roast the aubergine slices in batches, cooking each slice until both sides are browned. You might need to add more oil between batches.


  • In an oven-safe dish or bowl, start with a layer of leftover potato mash. Add a layer of the soy granule sauce. Follow with a layer of roasted aubergines and then a layer of sliced tomatoes. Season with sea salt. Repeat the layers 1 till 3. Gently press down using your fingers. Finish with tomatos and a top layer of sauce. Serve immediately or (best) let it rest for a few hours before serving, to give the flavors time to combine.
    Layer dish with mashed potatos leftover


Note: This recipe is even better when you make it in the morning for lunch or in the afternoon for dinner. A few hours of rest allow the ingredients to finely combine flavors.
Keyword aubergines, layer dish, mashed potatos, potatos, vegan, vegan minced meat sauce

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