Homemade Vegan Cream (for cooking)

Homemade Vegan Cream (for cooking)

In every so called “mistake” or “accident” lies new life. Or, let’s say, a chance for something new. I often make cream cheese myself, as you might have realised (the instructions you find here). But not always it turns out as a success. Sometimes, the milk simply does not like to coagulate. So I end up having this milky mixture sinking slowly through my coned clothed sieve, but no real cream cheese in sight. So this time, I took a moment, looked at it with wrinkled forehad, and said: This is not going to be any cream cheese … what if I just take this more or less creamy liquid out of this cloth again and run it through my mixer? It should give something like a cream. And as I was already late to prepare Vol en Vent, I did not mourn too long, but actually celebrated because this CREAM not only tasted super nice, but it was EXACTLY what I needed to make the jackfruit-champignon sauce! So, how much more of a coincidence do you need in life…? 🙂

Now, I am trying to re-create what I call a fortunate accident. For you to be able to make your homemade cooking cream for whatever sauce you need it for.

Let’s get started.

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    How to make Vegan Cream for cooking?

    First, bring 1 liter of soy milk (I have no experience so far with other plant milks) to a boil. As soon as it starts to bubble, stir in up to 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.

    If it starts to seperate as it should when making cream cheese, well done! It it only seperates partly, fine! However it turns out, let it rest for 15 minutes.

    I highly recommend to pour it through this type of sieve that I have: A clothed coned sieve for cheese-making. Alternatively, take the finest cloth that you have.

    See that you get to a point with your milk, where parts of it (the proteins) start to stick on the side, while in the middle there is still some liquid milk.

    cream cheese in sieve

    Now take both out of the sieve and transfer it into a mixing glass or cup.

    I prefer to use my immersion blender for this last step. You can use another blender, whatever you have at hand.

    Et voilà, your homemade vegan cream is ready to be cooked with!

    vegan cream being poured

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