Our Sunday Pancakes

Our Sunday Pancakes

It’s Sunday again – Pancake day ☀️ It’s one of those days where we use to switch roles in the house. I for my part can watch my husband move happily through the kitchen, hear him click and clack with pots and racks, while I do some video cutting, music writing or simple contemplating in the hammock. On Sundays and two other days in the week, my husband takes over the kitchen Queendom, turns it into a kitchen Kingdom and prepares the most wonderful and loveful meals ever. What a blessed being I am! Thank you God!

Our secret of the easiest vegan pancakes

Making vegan pancakes is actually the most simple thing in the world – if you drop the necessity to make your pancakes the most fluffy, crunchy or most-close-to-the-“real” ones that have ever been made. There is indeed nothing more needed than flour and plant milk. A pinch of salt. And oil for frying. But that’s it.

Today, we added a splash of mineral water, because we had to finish a bottle. And I had the impression, that the pancakes turned out slightly fluffier… I am encouraging you to experiment yourself – until you have found your family’s perfect vegan pancake recipe.


We love to have both on our Sunday Pancake table: savory fillings such as Indra’s Guacamole 🥑, some lettuce, as well as the usual and from time to time unusual sweet fillings such as homemade jams, Austrian walnut filling, homemade nutella, pistachio icecream or else.

And every one or two weeks one more kind of filling joins our list.

We are happy to share the recipe here with you!

Our Sunday Vegan Pancakes

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Brunch
Cuisine International
Servings 10 pancakes


  • 1 whisk


  • ca. 3 cups flour (we like to mix 1/4 whole wheat with 3/4 white wheat)
  • ca. 3/4 l bio soy milk or any other plant milk (if you want to use low-protein plant milk products such as rice milk, I recommend to add 1 tbsp cornstarch to the flour mix!)
  • 1-2 pinches salt
  • oil or plant butter for frying literally any plant grease works here


  • In a big blending jar, high pot or measuring cup, mix together the flours and the salt.
  • ONLY if you are using protein-, gluten- or fat poor plant milks like rice milk:
    Add 1 tbsp cornstarch.
  • Now, slowly, add the milk to the flour mix. Make sure you whisk constantly and firmly to keep the batter texture smooth and to avoid flour lumps.
  • See how much milk your flour needs. The consistency should be nicely dripping off your spoon, but not too liquid.
  • Now add one splash of (sparkling) mineral water. This is optional, but it makes the pancakes slightly fluffier. You have to use the batter right away!
  • In a non-sticky pan (this proofed to be of high importance when we make pancakes!), heat 1,5 tsp of oil to a good heat. Not full power, but well heated.
  • Pour one ladle of batter evenly into the pan, turning your pan in a circular movement to make the batter spread evenly over the bottom and to all sides.
    Once the surface of your pancake shows bubbles and no raw batter anymore, check carefully with a turner underneath if the bottom side has browned. If yes, flip the pancake.
  • Once the other side has browned too, take the pancake out of the pan and place it on a plate.
    Repeat with the rest of the batter.
    Important note: If you are using enough oil/grease, you can leave the pile of pancakes uncovered. If you want to make them low fat and use the oil only every 2-3 pancakes, I highly recommend to cover them with a plate, cling film or foil while you bake the rest, otherwise your pancakes dry out quickly!
  • Enjoy your pancakes with savory or sweet fillings such as guacamole, jams, fruit sauces, chocolate creams, nut fillings, ice cream or more…
Keyword pancakes, simple, vegan

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