Mango Lassi (vegan)

Mango Lassi (vegan)

Welcome to day 2 of our experimental week on Indian cuisine. Today, we are going to prepare a fruity drink that you cannot miss on your visit in an Indian restaurant. It is prepared with a fruit that I adore: Mango. 🥭

I love Mango Lassi! And making it vegan is a necessity for me. Just that I carry this desire to purify myself and our kitchen to the maximum, thus buying a canned mango purée, which is what people in the restaurants normally do as we learned, is not an option. There is way too much processed sugar in it. So why not use the fresh mango? I proudly present you a Vegan Mango Lassi that is creamy, typically mangoish and suffices with a traditionally used ripe fresh mango.

Mango Lassi: A Refreshing Indian Classic

Mango Lassi is a popular drink that hails from the Indian subcontinent, with roots tracing back to the Punjab region. Traditionally, a lassi is a blend of yogurt, water, spices, and sometimes fruit. The mango lassi, specifically, combines the sweet, juicy mango with yogurt, creating a creamy, refreshing beverage that has become a staple in Indian cuisine. Historically, lassi has been consumed for centuries as a cooling drink to beat the intense summer heat in India, providing hydration and digestive benefits.

In its traditional form, mango lassi is made by blending ripe mangoes with thick yogurt, a bit of water or milk, and sugar to taste. Sometimes, a touch of cardamom is added for extra flavor. The resulting drink is rich, creamy, and deeply satisfying, balancing the sweetness of mangoes with the tanginess of yogurt. It’s often served chilled, sometimes with a sprinkle of chopped pistachios or saffron strands on top for an added touch of luxury.

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    Vegan Alternatives:
    As the popularity of plant-based diets grows worldwide, India has seen a rise in vegan alternatives for traditional dishes, including mango lassi. Vegan mango lassi typically replaces the dairy yogurt with plant-based options such as coconut yogurt, almond yogurt, or cashew yogurt. These alternatives maintain the creamy texture and tangy taste essential to a good lassi. Coconut milk or almond milk can also be used to achieve the desired consistency.

    Vegan Mango Lassi Recipe:
    To make a vegan mango lassi, you will need the following ingredients:

    • 1 ripe mango, peeled and chopped
    • 1/2 cup of plant-based yogurt
    • 1/4 cup of homemade almond milk
    • 1 tablespoon of agave syrup or another natural sweetener (adjust to taste)
    • A pinch of cardamom powder (optional)
    • Ice cubes (optional)


    1. Combine the mango, yogurt, milk and syrup in a blender.
    2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
    3. Add cardamom powder and blend again briefly (optional).
    4. Serve chilled, with ice cubes if desired, and garnish with chopped pistachios.

    This vegan mango lassi is delicious, offering a refreshing and inclusive veganized alternative that retains the essence of this beloved Indian drink. Enjoy it as a cooling summer beverage or a delightful accompaniment to our coming Indian meals. Stay tuned!

    Mango Lassi (vegan)

    So much mangoness 🥭 🙂 This typical Indian drink is more a belly filling dessert and this is hiw we know and love it. Made vegan it becomes even more enjoyable.
    Prep Time 10 minutes
    Total Time 10 minutes
    Course Drinks
    Cuisine Indian
    Servings 2 people


    • 1 immersion or high speed blender


    • 1 super ripe mango
    • 1/2 cup plant-based yogurt
    • 1/4 cup plant milk
    • 1 tbsp agave syrup or other natural sweetener
    • 1 pinch cardamom powder (optional)
    • ice cubes optional


    • Peel the mango, cut off the flesh from the pit and cut the flesh in pieces. Try to collect the juice!
    • Combine the chopped mango, milk, yogurt, and sweetener in a blender.
      Blend until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
    • Optional: Add the cardamom powder and blend briefly to incorporate.
      Pour the lassi into glasses, add ice cubes if desired, and enjoy chilled.
    Keyword gluten-free, indian, mango, sugar-free, vegan

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