“I AM” is the beginning. The beginning of all. It is also the beginning of this new chapter on my blog. Fine poetry and wisdom from “above”, served to you to be consumed and taken for your own spiritual growth.

Love Being Served is now starting to feature content for the purity of your mind, such as highly inspired and inspiring poetry and quote videos with wisdom from the Ancient and Modern Spiritual Masters.

This poem is now the first of my series of pure love poetry called “One Heart Poem A Day”, started in 2023 during a period of new waves coming into our life. They are the result of a practice that I call “Creation with your Heart”, which means creating art, content and more by a method that is purely simple: Feel and listen into the Heart while you let your fingers type, your mouth speak, your pen draw, your brush paint. Let the inspiration come from that source, that creates all beautiful things, such as you and me. Such as birds. And flowers. And fine, divine poetry.

Using this practice, I wrote one poem per day, for a period of more than 30 days. May this series of Heart Poems be of service to you!

Much love


When I set roots
In your soil of love,
I feel warmth and a warm welcome,
As if welcomed in the arms of a loving mother
As loving as the one divine – 
A Mother, 
That can only be yours.

And the Tree of Life
Is secure. 

When I let the sun rise
In the midst of my being,
All darkness fades away
Giving way to a light
Shedding light on all corners of my life,
A light such as that of the divine Father – 
A Father, 
That can only be yours.

And the Tree of Life
Is pure.

When I let the river stream
Out of consciousness,
Magic happens, 
Life takes its course,
Giving courses in miracles,
Miraculously sourcing from a power 
As strong as that of the divine power – 
A power,
That can only be yours.

And the Tree of Life 
Will endure.
When I let flowers of Trust
Grow in your field of Love,
I feel complete,
Completely taken care of 
And lovingly caring for the rest of creation – 
A Creation, 
That can only be yours.

And the Tree of Life 
Is mature.

When the candle of silence in me flickers,
Whispering words of God,
My heart rises to divine Grace,
Gracefully pouring out words of joy,
The joy of a divine child – 
A child,
That can only be yours.

And the Tree of Life
Is cured.

Sinking deep 
Into the Silence of Grace,
There are no more words to say.
As you, the I AM, are there,
Holding the Tree of Life 

(Maria Julia Muchwitsch)

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