Freedom of choice – Love or … else

Freedom of choice – Love or … else

Where Do My Eyes Go

Do I see happiness or misery, effort or fault?
Ugliness or beauty, care or default?
It all depends on a choice.

Where do I let my eyes go?
Where do I lay my eyes upon?
Where do I rest in my conscious mind?

In love, or in something else…?

In the biggest misery, I can perceive the beauty of learning.
In the ugliest dungeon, I can perceive the beauty of darkness.
On the highest point of life, I can perceive the beauty of death.

It just depends on me,
on what I want to see,
on where I direct
my daily precious breath.

This is the beauty of choice,
the boundlessness of freedom,
the power of my voice,
the reality of my queendom.
This is who I really am.
Free. I have the choice.

Love or hate,
mountain or valley,
sustain or break,
drop or carry.

I can choose – what do I want?

This is where my eyes will go.
This is where my eyes will lie upon.
This is where my conscious mind will rest.

Love or… else.

Every moment is a test.

(Maria-Julia Muchwitsch, Azias 2024)

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