OCEAN is a platform for the Awakening of Humanity and the Creation of the New Earth.

We are currently creating a Place for Silence and Inner Work in Portugal. For the sake of the spiritual awakening of the individual Self as well as the spiritual awakening of Planet Earth, being in Silence, in Connection with God every day is essential in this world of hectic, constant movement and strive for better and more. We strongly feel that it is more than necessary to create a place where people can experience silence, learn and practice to be silent and connect with their true Self. Furthermore we have been given visions and insights in meditation to create such a place.

Now we are open for funds and people sharing our vision to make this possible.


As its basic Vision, OCEAN assumes the inherent Oneness of All That Is. There is only the one absolute, eternal and infinite Divine Principle, projected “outside” as Life in all its exuberant splendour. There is no real and objective world “outside” though, but only energy experienced as a full-immersion 3D holographic projection. The True Nature of Reality is that All is one and the One is all. Separation is an illusion, and we are de facto one with all other humans, all other beings, the Earth, our solar system, the entire universe and the all-encompassing Divine Principle.

The aim of OCEAN is to offer the environment and the experienced support to assist as many fellow humans as possible in dropping the illusion of separateness, and to create a New Earth based on the high frequency of Love and Oneness.

Find more infos such as the Mission on the website weareocean.life.

You love it? Then reach out to us via our contact form.

With much love and gratitude,

Maria-Julia & Indra