Tag: pap

Braai Love Being Served style (vegan Sosaties on Krummel pap)

Braai Love Being Served style (vegan Sosaties on Krummel pap)

We have our last day of this experimental African cuisine made vegan week, and something has been missing so far … SOSATIES. South African (apricot) kebabs. These traditional South African skewers, particularly popular in Cape Malay cuisine, are marinated in a fragrant mixture of spices, 

Miliepap croquettes, broccoli and white sauce (vegan)

Miliepap croquettes, broccoli and white sauce (vegan)

As we continue to explore South African cuisine, I came up with the idea of using the leftover stywe pap from yesterday to make some crunchy croquettes and combine them with steamed broccoli and a nice white sauce. In South Africa, there’s a dish known 

Stywe Pap with Chakalaka and Bread-Sausages

Stywe Pap with Chakalaka and Bread-Sausages

  South Africa — our next destination! This country is deeply appreciated for its rich diversity in culture, people, places, climates, and food. Moving beyond the idea of separation that once dominated this nation for so many years, we can now truly recognize and celebrate