Tag: leftover recipe

Miliepap croquettes, broccoli and white sauce (vegan)

Miliepap croquettes, broccoli and white sauce (vegan)

As we continue to explore South African cuisine, I came up with the idea of using the leftover stywe pap from yesterday to make some crunchy croquettes and combine them with steamed broccoli and a nice white sauce. In South Africa, there’s a dish known 

Tomato Rice Soup (American style)

Tomato Rice Soup (American style)

Tomato rice soup is a familiar dish in American cuisine. It’s a variation of the classic tomato soup, with the addition of rice making it more filling and textured. This dish is a staple in many households because it’s easy to prepare. This naturally vegan 

Bread Upma

Bread Upma

In India, amongst all the other beautiful dishes – and gosh, there are so many that I could hardly touch them all during our Indian cuisine week – there is something typical for the South of India that is called Upma. Upma is a popular 

Ribollita (Tuscan vegetable and bread soup)

Ribollita (Tuscan vegetable and bread soup)

The Finale of our Italian food symphony: La Ribollita. A typical soup from Tuscany in Italy, made with a mix of root and leafy vegetables and bread from the day before. The name indicates perfectly the specialty of this Tuscan soup. “ribollire” means recook or