Tag: jackfruit

Couscous avec Jacquier Chipolatas (Couscous with Jackfruit sausages)

Couscous avec Jacquier Chipolatas (Couscous with Jackfruit sausages)

Et voilà! We are arriving in France this week, preparing delicious plant-based French recipes. The first, well, actually second of this series of French inspired, traditional but reversed, culinary delights made vegan – somewhat the second, as we had Vol en Vent yesterday, a traditional 

Vol en Vent aux Jacquier et Champignons (Puff Pastry with Jackfruit and Champignon filling)

Vol en Vent aux Jacquier et Champignons (Puff Pastry with Jackfruit and Champignon filling)

Vol en Vent – the lightness of something flying with the wind or being light as the wind. Or something wind-like such as a nice puff pastry, as “vol-au-vent”, meaning “windblown” in French, refers to the light, airy quality of the puff pastry. While it