Vegan American Breakfast

Vegan American Breakfast

Welcome to day 3 of our American Vegan Cuisine Week! Though we usually skip breakfast, today was all about crediting the American tradition of celebrating the mornings with a hearty breakfast. It was a morning meal worth getting up for!

We decided to dive right into this tradition with a well selected combo that’s not just delicious but also fully vegan, trying to bring to the table most of what usually is being served in the US. Today’s breakfast included a stack of triple pancakes, each version offering a unique twist: one with a mix of whole wheat and white flour, another with flour and boiled rice, and a third with a delightful blend of banana, boiled rice, and flour. Topped with fresh banana slices and drizzled with agave nectar, these pancakes were a morning feast.

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    Alongside, we served Greek-style soy yogurt paired with homemade granola, adding a crunchy, creamy balance.

    But we didn’t stop there. We whipped up a savory sweet potato and green pepper hash, which was the perfect complement to Maria’s famous vegan scrambled eggs recipe—rich, fluffy, and so close to the original. To wash it all down, we enjoyed a comforting cup of barley coffee with foamed oat milk and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

    I hope you enjoy this celebration of a hearty meal in the morning!

    american breakfast on white background

    Vegan American Breakfast

    A vegan breakfast typical for the US, with triple pancakes, savory hash, vegan scrambled eggs, and more.
    Prep Time 1 hour
    Cook Time 20 minutes
    Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
    Course Breakfast, Brunch
    Cuisine American
    Servings 4 people


    • 1 Blender
    • 1 immersion blender


    For the "normal" pancakes

    • 1 cup soy milk
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
    • 3/4 cup all purpose flour
    • 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • 1 tsp cane sugar
    • 1 pinch salt

    For the rice pancakes

    • 1 cup plant milk
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 3/4 cup all purpose flour
    • 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • 1 tsp cane sugar
    • 3 tbsp boiled rice
    • 1 pinch salt (if the rice is not salted yet)

    For the banana rice pancakes

    • 1 cup plant milk
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
    • 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • 1 (over)ripe banana nicely smashed
    • 3 tbsp boiled rice
    • 1 pinch salt (if the rice is not salted yet)

    For the scrumbled eggs

    • 1 cup unsweetened cornflakes eg from the bio shop
    • 1/4 block firm tofu
    • 1/4 tsp curcuma
    • 1/2 cup unsweetened plant milk (soy or almond)

    For the sweet potato hash

    • 1,5 cups sweet potatos cut into small cubes
    • 1/4 bell pepper, cut into small cubes
    • 1 tsp paprika powder (optional: 1/2 tsp normal and 1/2 smoked paprika powder)
    • 2 tbsp vegan greek style yogurt

    For the greek style yogurt with granola

    • 2 handfuls fine rolled oats
    • 2 handfuls mixed nuts, chopped (almonds, cashews, pistacchios etc)
    • 1 tbsp cane sugar
    • 1 tsp cinnamon
    • 1 tbsp plant butter
    • 2 cups vegan greek style yogurt


    • 1 banana
    • 4 tbsp instant barley coffee powder
    • 2 cups oat or soy milk (best if barista)
    • 4 sweet oranges
    • (sugar-free) jam of your choice
    • salt and pepper


    Prepare the sweet potato hash

    • In a pan, bring a pan with 3 tbsp of oil to medium heat. Fry the sweet potato cubes for 3 minutes. See that they brown on all sides.
      Add the pepper and the paprika powder and fry until the sweet potatos are tender. Stir regularily. Season with salt and pepper.
      Optional: Keep warm in the oven (60℃).

    Prepare the granola

    • In a non-sticking pan, melt the plant butter, then add all the ingredients and bake until nicely crunchy and browned.
      Set aside to cool down completely before plating with the yogurt!

    Prepare the scrumbled eggs

    • Slightly crumble the tofu with your fingers and place it in a blender cup. Add the cornflakes, the curcuma and 3 tbsp of the plant milk. Blend coarsley (there should still be pieces of cornflakes and tofu, so don't blend too long!).
      Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add the rest of the plant milk, season with salt (see that all the cornflakes are slightly wet, if it is too dry, add just a little bit more of plant milk).
      Press the mixture gently down and let it soak in the fridge for approximately 30 minutes.
      Heat a pan with 2-3 tbsp of oil. Bake the scrumbled eggs until nicely roasted.
      Keep warm.

    Prepare the pancakes

    • I used the same method for all types of pancakes:
      1) mix the milk and the lemon juice and let it sit for 5 minutes to make a "buttermilk".
      2) mix the flours and baking powder seperately.
      3) – only for the rice and the banana pancakes – with an immersion blender, blend the "buttermilk" with the rice, (banana), sugar and salt until smooth.
      4) combine all the ingredients with a whisk until there are no lumps anymore. You can blend with the hand blender a few times, if the batter turned out lumpy.
      5) Heat up a non-sticking pan. Add just a little bit of oil (you can also just slightly brush the pan or not use any grease at all).
      6) Once the skillet is hot, pour half of a ladleful of pancake batter onto the skillet, about 1/4 cup for each pancake. Let the pancake cook undisturbed until bubbles form on the surface and the edges start to look set, which usually takes about 2-3 minutes.
      7) Once the bubbles pop and leave small holes, gently flip the pancake using a spatula. Cook the other side for an additional 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
      8) For decoration, cut the banana in slices, place the pancakes on a plate in stacks, drizzle with abundant agave nectar.

    Prepare the drinks

    • Bring 3 cups of water to a boil. Place one tsp of barley coffee into 4 cups. Fill the cups half with the boiling water. Stir.
      Bring the milk to a boil. With an hand blender, foam the milk up (slightly inclined so the knife cuts through the surface of the milk).
      Pour the milk into the cups.
    • Squeeze the oranges and pour the juice into 4 cups.
    Keyword american, granola, pancakes, sweet potato hash, vegan scrumbled eggs

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