Vegan Puff Pastry

Vegan Puff Pastry

This puff pastry is actually easy to prepare and I truly enjoyed taking this challenge that I have been trying to avoid so far as I believed that it would be difficult … But thanks to an inspiration that I got by watching Bea’s youtube channel I felt confident enough to try. Bea made this dough with frozen butter, that she had kneaded with a little flour beforehand, grated upon every layer of dough. That’s it. And it worked very well also with plant butter. Thank you so much Bea! Beautiful being that you were on this planet (Bea died a few years ago …).

Here is what you need to make this Vegan Puff Pastry:

  • 225 g plant butter (at room temperature)
  • 25 g flour

This you need to make the frozen butter.

  • 225 g flour
  • 25 g plant butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 120-125 ml water

A bit more flour for dusting the surface.

Preparation of Vegan Puff Pastry

First, mix together the 225 g plant butter and the 25 g flour. You can use a handmixer, a kitchen machine (the dough function) or simply, as I did (which is a little messy I have to admit) your hands.

Wrap the butter mixture in cling film and place it in the freezer. See that this happens at least 30 minutes before you start to make the dough!

As soon as the butter is hard, you proceed with step 2:

Mix well the 225 g flour, salt, the 25 g butter with water that you gradually add (using your hands) or you can already place everything together if using a kitchen machine. It should give a nicely smooth dough.

Now knead this dough well for 5-10 minutes (I normally do the kneading by hand, and in this case I really enjoyed it, as this dough is nicely soft but not sticky and therefore easy to knead).

Form the dough in shape of a thick sausage, wrap it in cling film and give it at least 30 minutes of rest.

Step 3:

Cut the dough in 6 equal pieces. Flour your surface.

Roll each piece of dough out to a a rectangular shape and a thinness of approximately 5 mm.

Step 4:

Take the plant butter out of the freezer and slightly mark with a knife 5 times (this serves for us to know how far we have to grate each layer).

Now grate the butter upon the first dough layer until the first mark. Don’t be surprised, it will be a huge heap of butter flakes! There you realize how much butter there usually is in a conventional puff pastry …

Place the second dough layer on top, slightly press down with your hands.

Repeat this process until all butter is consumed and the last dough layer on top.

Step 5:

Fold the dough-butter-packet once, then once again. Wrap it in cling film and either refrigerate (for use the same day) or you can freeze it for later use.

Tell me what you think – it’s easy, isn’t it? And this puff pastry tastes sooo delicious, for example in a Vol en Vent or else.

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