Dairy-free Vegetable Lasagne

Dairy-free Vegetable Lasagne

Italian cuisine is one of my favorite! I used to learn Italian when I was a teenager by merely reading a small, but thick cook book in Italian, at that time hiding in my grandparent’s kitchen under the “Eckbank”. Lasagne is one of those dishes that I have always adored. Strangely, very early I started to prefer my mother’s vegetarian version of the original minced meat Lasagne. She made it with so much love and know-how. Today, I am presenting my mother’s style vegetarian Lasagne made vegan. The only thing that has changed: The plant milk and oil as basis for the béchamel sauce instead of cow’s milk and butter, and a quick vegan cheese sauce instead of the Mozzarella. And probably the quantity … from a 8-family-member’s dish to a 2-people’s household meal … but, in double quantity, so in the end giving 4 portions, so we can enjoy one of our favorite weekday dishes also the next day…

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    There are two ways of making a Lasagne vegan. To use non-dairy product and prepare a vegetarian Lasagne – and already there are millions of different ways of how to prepare it, all sorts of different vegetable combinations – or to veganize the minced meat Lasagne by replacing the meat with soy granules. This recipe features the first. I realized, that vegan cuisine uses too much soy … So I am trying to get out of this hype and use soy only now and then in my recipes.

    What do we need to prepare this Vegan Vegetable Lasagne?

    • A nice béchamel sauce, made with plant milk, flour and oil or plant butter.
    • A rich vegetable tomato sauce, made from sautéed zucchini, aubergine, celery, carrots, whatever other vegetables you have (eg spinach, chard, peas etc.) and tomato purée or pulp.
    • Lasagne pasta sheets

    Now let’s enjoy this Vegan Lasagne!

    My Mother’s Style Vegetable Lasagne made vegan

    This vegetable Lasagne is a delicious one- to many people meal that is rich and filling, while it keeps the balance in the body up, nurturing with a ray of vegetables, good quality pasta, a smooth béchamel sauce and an optional vegan cheese sauce topping. Enjoy!
    Prep Time 20 minutes
    Cook Time 1 hour
    Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
    Course Main Course
    Cuisine Italian
    Servings 4 people


    • 1 oven dish, square ca. 20 cm x 20 cm – if yours is larger, make a seperation with alu foil or the double amount of Lasagne 🙂


    For the tomato vegetable filling

    • 1/2 medium to large aubergine
    • 1 medium to large carrot
    • 1 small zucchini
    • 1/3 stalk celery
    • 500 g tomato pulp/sauce/purée
    • 1-2 tsp dried herbs (herbes de Provence, oregano, marjoram)

    For the béchamel

    • 6 tbsp oil (or 3 tbsp plant butter)
    • 6 tbsp all purpose flour
    • 600 ml plant milk
    • salt

    For the optional vegan cheese sauce

    • 1 tbsp tapioca flour/starch
    • 1 cup plant milk
    • 1-2 tsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 pinch salt


    • 10-12 Lasagne sheets check for eggs when buying the sheets, most of the products are without


    Prepare the vegetable filling

    • Cut the aubergine in small cubes.
      In a non-sticky pan, fry the aubergines in 2 tbsp oil until brown on all sides. Set aside.
    • Peel and cut the carrot in small cubes. Cut the zucchini in small cubes. Remove the thin hair from the celery stalk and cut the celery in small pieces.
    • Heat olive oil in a pot over medium heat.
      Add the carrots, sautéing for about 3-4 minutes.
      Add the zucchinis and celery. Cook for another 3-5 minutes.
    • Add the tomato sauce. Season with the herbs, salt and pepper. Cook for approximately 5 minutes.
      Add the aubergine cubes and set aside.

    Prepare the bechamel sauce

    • In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
      Whisk in the flour and cook for 2-3 minutes until it forms a roux (a thick paste) and turns slightly golden.
      Gradually whisk in the plant milk, making sure to avoid lumps.
      Continue to cook, whisking constantly, until the sauce thickens, about 5-7 minutes.
      Season well with salt and set aside.


    • Preheat the oven to 190℃.
    • In a baking dish, place 4 lasagne sheets on the bottom.
      Spread half of the vegetable sauce over them.
      Finish with a layer of bechamel sauce (just enough to have bechamel for one and a half more layers).
      Repeat this procedure.
      Finish with a third layer of pasta and a thin layer of bechamel sauce on top.

    Prepare the cheese sauce (optional)

    • In a saucepan, mix well the tapioca, milk, nutritional yeast and salt.
      Bring to a boil, whisking constantly. It will thicken rapidly!
    • Spread the cheese sauce over the lasagne.
      Bake the lasagne in the preheated oven for approximately 30-40 minutes or until the top layer turns brown and the side crispy.
    Keyword italian, pasta, vegan

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