Food Blessings

Food Blessings

Feeling gratitude for the food that nourishes our bodies and minds is essential for a Life based on the Heart. Feeling gratitude for this multitude of people and natural elements that have contributed to its creation is essential for a life based on the Heart. Each of these people and elements is an expression of the Divine Mother, the Power of Creation that made the served meal happen. Furthermore, as we partake our food, we might not be able to ensure the purity of it because we do not know what thoughts raged in the mind of the fellow humans who grew it, of those who acquired or sold it, of those who prepared it for us neither of our own mind constitution while we eat it. Hence, I encourage to thank the Divine Mother and purify our food and minds before partaking a meal.

How can I bless my food?

When we want to eat something, we want to make sure we eat Love. When we love to eat something, we automatically raise our food and ourselves to the frequency of Love. Simply the idea of having Love in our hands gives us a good feeling. I more and more take this way of blessing the ingredients of my recipes. I only found a tomato that for sure has not grown in bio soil and with a loving mind? Well, here I am to honour its existence, by taking it in my loving hand and feel the love that it is. Love is in EVERYTHING. We just have to preceive it. This is one very effective way of blessing your food!

Another way is to pray or say mantras while cooking or before partaking your food at the table, alone, together with your partner, family or community. This is where the numerous food prayers from all over the world come in. Let me collect them here for you.

  • My Husband’s Simple Food Prayer:

Food is God. Food is Love. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • Hindu Food Prayer:

Brahmārpañam Brahma Havir, Brahmāgnau Brahmañāhutam,
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam, Brahmakarmā Samādhinah.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
  • Traditional Austrian Food Prayer:

Komm, Herr Jesus, sei unser Gast,
und segne, was du uns bescheret hast.
  • Food Prayer by Christian Morgenstern, learned at Steiner School:

(German): Erde, die uns dies gebracht, Sonne, die es reif gemacht,
liebe Sonne, liebe Erde, euer nie vergessen werde.
(English): Earth who gives to us this food.
Sun who makes it ripe and good.
Dear Earth, Dear Sun By you we live.
Our loving thanks to you we give.
  • My Family’s Food Blessing by German Mystic Angelus Silesius:

Das Brot allein ernährt uns nicht,
was uns im Brote speist,
ist Gottes ew’ges Wort,
ist Leben und ist Geist.

Please share with us your favourite food prayer!

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